Hi! We are Kim and Bobby Kemp. We have 2 children, Shelly, 26 and Matt, 22. About 2 years ago after our children were on there own we decided that God had a bigger plan for our lives than just enjoying being empty nesters. He placed it on both our hearts seperately that we should open our hearts and our home to children who needed a place to belong. Through much prayer God lead us to adopt some children from Ukraine. Through alot of trials we have today received an invitation to visit Ukraine and hopfully get our children. The good news is that the date has been set for November 13, 2007. the bad news is that the date has been set for November 13, 2007. We have alot to do and a short time to do it. We have just started our journey so look for this blog to grow and develop...
Bobby & Kim
Bobby & Kim